
Reverend Jaganath Presents
Sutra Research Institute
RADICAL RECEPTIVITY: Explore Yoga’s Most Overlooked Practice - Online
Tues, February 18, 2025 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Yoga has persisted for millennia wielding a collection effective practices and life-affirming teachings. Yet, there is one practice, often misunderstood, that has the power to accelerate growth, promote serenity, and ever-expanding love: radical receptivity.
Radical receptivity may be described as refined yogic listening. Radical receptivity is about learning how to listen, how to tune ourselves to the wisdom upon which the universe and our own self is founded.
Nothing is more effective for accelerating spiritual growth than radical receptivity. It enhances the teachings and practices of any schools of yogi's thought.

Weeklong Satsang with Reverend Jaganath Carrera - Online
Friday, February 21, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
This special weeklong series is designed to inspire.
Satsangs with Reverend Jaganath Carrera are based on timeless teaching that transform, challenge, and reveal the peace and joy that is your True Nature. This gathering is a powerful way to reflect upon timeless sacred wisdom in the company of like-minded seekers. Each night includes a compassion meditation, and the opportunity to ask Reverend Jaganath your questions.

Weeklong Satsang Event - Online
Sat, February 22, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Reading and discussion of Short excerpts from "To Know Yourself" by Swami Satchidananda with Seminarian Bhavani Karnitski
A Week of Transformation! Join us for an 8 day Satsang event. Commit to an hour each day from 7pm to 8pm to uncover the power of Yoga and its Teachings. Join Reverend Jaganath, Senior Ministers, and Seminarians as we discuss the many facets of the Yoga Path. From an interfaith program, to Yoga Nidra, to kirtan, to what gives you peace, this will be a week to remember to saturate yourself with the power of Yoga.
Join us for a journey inward and outward... it begins with the first step. Let's do it together.

Weeklong Satsang Event - Online
Sun, February 23, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
A Discussion of "What Gives You Peace?" The Power of Meditation & Prayer with Reverend Abhaya Cordova
A Week of Transformation! Join us for an 8 day Satsang event. Commit to an hour each day from 7pm to 8pm to uncover the power of Yoga and its Teachings. Join Reverend Jaganath, Senior Ministers, and Seminarians as we discuss the many facets of the Yoga Path. From an interfaith program, to Yoga Nidra, to kirtan, to what gives you peace, this will be a week to remember to saturate yourself with the power of Yoga.
Join us for a journey inward and outward... it begins with the first step. Let's do it together.

Weeklong Satsang Event - Online
Mon, February 24, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
An Interfaith Program with Rev Shankar Fern of Integral Yoga and Seminarian Jayadasi Diaz
A Week of Transformation! Join us for an 8 day Satsang event. Commit to an hour each day from 7pm to 8pm to uncover the power of Yoga and its Teachings. Join Reverend Jaganath, Senior Ministers, and Seminarians as we discuss the many facets of the Yoga Path. From an interfaith program, to Yoga Nidra, to kirtan, to what gives you peace, this will be a week to remember to saturate yourself with the power of Yoga.
Join us for a journey inward and outward... it begins with the first step. Let's do it together.

SRI Presents The Bhagavad Gita Course MODULE THREE: Deeper Dive or Certification with Reverend Jaganath - Virtual
Tuesdays, February 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, June 17 & 24
7:00-8:30pm EST
Course: $100.00
Certification: $125.00
Drop In: $20.00
A special course for Yoga Teachers and anyone seeking the deeper states of mind and heart that Yoga promises. Along with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, a 2200-year-old wisdom text, is an indispensable guide for seekers searching for the essentials of Yoga theory and practice.
All classes are guided by Reverend Jaganath, Founder and Spiritual Head of the Yoga Life Society. Join us for any of the single classes for the entire module Schedule All classes are 90 minutes long and will be on zoom This module will focus on Chapters 6 - 7.
Upon signing up, you will also receive Rev Jaganath's translation of Chapters 6-7 of the Gita!

Weeklong Satsang Event - Online
Wed, February 26, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Yoga Nidra with Rev Indrani Grossman
A Week of Transformation! Join us for an 8 day Satsang event. Commit to an hour each day from 7pm to 8pm to uncover the power of Yoga and its Teachings. Join Reverend Jaganath, Senior Ministers, and Seminarians as we discuss the many facets of the Yoga Path. From an interfaith program, to Yoga Nidra, to kirtan, to what gives you peace, this will be a week to remember to saturate yourself with the power of Yoga.
Join us for a journey inward and outward... it begins with the first step. Let's do it together.

Weeklong Satsang Event - Online
Thu, February 27, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Kirtan and Discussion of Bhakti Yoga, offered by Kristen Ambrosi
A Week of Transformation! Join us for an 8 day Satsang event. Commit to an hour each day from 7pm to 8pm to uncover the power of Yoga and its Teachings. Join Reverend Jaganath, Senior Ministers, and Seminarians as we discuss the many facets of the Yoga Path. From an interfaith program, to Yoga Nidra, to kirtan, to what gives you peace, this will be a week to remember to saturate yourself with the power of Yoga.
Join us for a journey inward and outward... it begins with the first step. Let's do it together.

Weeklong Satsang with Reverend Jaganath Carrera - Online
Fri, February 28, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
This special weeklong series is designed to inspire.
Satsangs with Reverend Jaganath Carrera are based on timeless teaching that transform, challenge, and reveal the peace and joy that is your True Nature. This gathering is a powerful way to reflect upon timeless sacred wisdom in the company of like-minded seekers. Each night includes a compassion meditation, and the opportunity to ask Reverend Jaganath your questions.

Reverend Jaganath Presents - The Yoga of the Now and the Hereafter: The Katha Upanishad - Online
Tues, March 18, 2025 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Spend an evening with Rev. Jaganath exploring this classic text that exposes teachings that breathe life into the path of Yoga. The Katha Upanishad, a 3500-year-old wisdom text uncovers powerful truths that shine a wisdom path to experiencing the transcendent, unshakable peace that is our true nature. This text is the first to use the word yoga in a spiritual context. Witness how the courage and fervor of the young Natchiketa persuaded the feared Lord Yama to reveal the secrets of this life, death, and life after death.
This extraordinary discussion is one still today offers clear guidance to seekers after truth.

Reverend Jaganath Presents – The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes Explored From a Yogi’s Perspective - LIVE
Sun, April 13, 2025 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
The teachings of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, which contains the 8 Beatitudes, are a timeless wisdom; vibrant guides that can accompany seekers to higher levels of spiritual awareness and peace in their daily lives.
Take this rare opportunity to join Rev. Jaganath, author of the highly acclaimed Inside the Yoga Sutras, Awaken Inside Yoga Meditation, and Inside Patanjali’s Words, on this exploration into the depths of these teachings from the Yogi’s perspective.
This workshop is live at Yoga Life Center.

Sutra Research Institute Presents The Sounds of Yoga with Reverend Jaganath
Tue, April 15, 2025 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
For millennia, Yogis have utilized the transforming power of sound for millennia in chant and song WHY? As an aid to gaining clarity and stillness of mind to
~ Open the heart to a purer, radiant love
~ Rise above fear, anger, and depression
~ Release and send the healing power of sound to those in need
~ Swim in the joyful waters of kirtan: call-and-response chanting
~ Create and maintain a close, loving relationship with the Divine
Chants can explode inner barriers to the peace we all have within. In this program, Rev. Jaganath will discuss of the meaning and use of sound in several of the chants recommended by Rev. Jaganath and used regularly in Yoga Life programs. Cost: $20.00

Divine Mother: Part One — Online
Tue, May 06, 2025 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
What defines a Mother? Is it her caring nature? Her fierce desire to protect? Her unconditional love? Join us for this two part mini series on the Divine Mother. She comes in many forms, and speaks to each of us differently. But one thing is certain, the energy of the Divine Mother is ever-present and ever-accessible.

Divine Mother: Part Two — Online
Tue, May 13, 2025 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
What defines a Mother? Is it her caring nature? Her fierce desire to protect? Her unconditional love? Join us for this two part mini series on the Divine Mother. She comes in many forms, and speaks to each of us differently. But one thing is certain, the energy of the Divine Mother is ever-present and ever-accessible.