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Sunrise over Mountains



Sutra Sundays — Online

Sun, June 02, 2024 - Sun, December 01, 2024

The teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali offer us a goldmine of wisdom on how to live in the world peacefully and productively. The Sutras offer us a way out of suffering, how to move about with grace and gratitude in our hearts.


Join us as we discuss the sutras by subject using Rev. Jaganath’s book, “Inside the Yoga Sutras.” Each month we will review and discuss a new topic (from the Sutra by Subject index) and delve deeply on how these teachings relate to daily life and putting them to use. Ending suffering and living a peaceful and joyful life.


Rev Jaganath Presents: Surfing the Sermon on the Mount Course: A Yogi’s Guide — Online

Mon, August 19, 2024 - Wed, August 21, 2024

3-Day Series: $65.00
Drop-In: $25.00

In language that opens the heart and mind, the Sermon on the Mount offers a profound understanding of human nature. It guides seekers to universal spiritual teachings that transform lives, helping to bring harmony to the individual and to society as well.


The course content includes the entire Sermon with special attention to the Beatitudes. We will highlight key teachings that are relevant to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras which will provide a fresh perspective of the teachings of Yoga.


We will also discuss how the Yoga Sutras complement the teachings found in the Sermon on the Mount. In short, this intensive will provide you with more tools to help guide your journey to happiness, peace, and loving kindness.


SRI Presents The Bhagavad Gita Course MODULE TWO: Deeper Dive or Certification with Reverend Jaganath — Online

Tue, September 17, 2024 - Tue, December 10, 2024

For Certification: $175.00

For Course: $150.00

Drop-In: $20.00

A special course for Yoga Teachers and anyone seeking the deeper states of mind and heart that Yoga promises. Along with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, a 2200-year-old wisdom text, is an indispensable guide for seekers searching for the essentials of Yoga theory and practice. What you will discover:


  • Transcendent truths that that can serve as reliable guides throughout life

  • The value of all of life’s ebbs and flows

  • If happiness is actually a delusion

  • How to make wise choices in difficult situations

  • How to safely navigate through the challenges of the death of our physical bodies

  • Methods that will deepen your meditation experience

  • The similarities and differences between the Gita and the Yoga Sutras.

  • Why the love we give and the love we receive forms the ultimate yogic path

  • . . . and much more


Yoga Life Society Book Club — Online

Mon, February 03, 2025 - Mon, April 28, 2025


Interested in becoming part of YLS’ first official book club? Reverend Jaganath has been speaking highly of The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt.


Join us virtually for informal discussions of this book. Through research, discussion, and more, he explains why social media damages girls more than boys and why boys have been withdrawing from the real world into the virtual world. Most importantly, it is a call to action.


Join us for interesting conversations and how leading the Yogic Life can impact this very real crisis.

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