About Us
The teachings, practices, and lifestyle of the Yoga Life Society are based on the holistic priciples of Classic Yoga. Yoga means union, integration, and harmony. The goal of Yoga is to live a life that is permeated with health, peace, happiness, meaning, and lovingkindness, and we are dedicated to helping everyone who wishes to live the Yoga life. It is the journey to discovering the spirit, source, or essence within each of us – the spark of divinity within.
We Focus on the Six Branches of Yoga:
Jnana Yoga: Study of sacred wisdom and self-reflection
Bhakti Yoga: Devotion to the Divine
Karma Yoga: Selfless service
Raja Yoga: Meditation, science of the mind, moral and ethical precepts
Japa Yoga: Chanting mantras or the names the divine
Hatha Yoga: Physical postures, breathing techniques, deep relaxation
The Six Branches of Yoga collectively guide us towards a holistic and harmonious development, nurturing the mental, emotional, intellectual, and social facets of life.
"Spend a little time every day for your own health and peace, and then share it with everyone."
— Reverend Jaganath Carrera —

Following the Path of Our Guru
Reverend Jaganath Carrera, our founder and spiritual head, is a direct disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda. With decades of experience in teaching Yoga and interfaith programs, he has developed respected training programs and authored essential texts on Yoga. His teachings emphasize the universal principles of Yoga and the essential unity of all spiritual paths.
Honoring Our Lineage
Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj: A modern Yoga master who founded the Divine Life Society and the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy. His teachings distilled the essence of Yoga into principles of service, love, giving, purification, meditation, and realization.
Sri Swami Satchidananda Maharaj: Founder of Integral Yoga Institute, he advocated the principle "Truth is One; Paths are Many" and created the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) for world peace.

Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Truth
Sanatana Dharma, meaning "eternal truth" in Sanskrit, is the foundation of the Yoga Life Society's teachings, promoting a universal and inclusive approach to spirituality. It recognizes the divinity within each individual and the principle that "Truth is One; paths to its realization are many," celebrating the diversity of spiritual practices across all faith traditions.
Through Yoga, which encompasses ethical living, meditation, worship, selfless service, and physical well-being, Sanatana Dharma provides timeless and adaptable tools for achieving inner peace, self-realization, and a harmonious life.
Our Core Values
Regard for The Guru: Honoring our Guru and the Great Teachers of all Faith Traditions.
Integrity: Aligning thoughts, words, and actions with our principles.
Truthfulness: Committing to honest and beneficial communication.
Non-violence: Practicing respect and lovingkindness in all interactions.
Accountability and Stewardship: Responsible use of resources and actions.
Equanimity: Maintaining inner balance through Yoga Life practices.
Love and Compassion: Expressing unconditional love and forgiveness.
Selfless Service: Joyfully serving without attachment to results.
Mutual Harmony Among Faith Traditions: Fostering global harmony through dialogue and appreciation.
Ecological Awareness and Healthy Living: Caring for the planet and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Faith and Trust: Embracing the Divine Will.
Serving Humanity
Yoga Life ministers are dedicated practitioners who integrate Yoga Life teachings into their daily lives. They officiate at ceremonies, provide spiritual guidance, and teach various aspects of Yoga, embodying the spirit of selfless service and spiritual dedication.
Ceremonial Roles:
Officiating weddings, naming ceremonies, funerals, and memorials.
Providing spiritual guidance and teaching Yoga classes.
In their official capacity, ministers wear white robes with purple trim and a OM pendant, symbolizing their commitment to spiritual service.

The Heart of Our Practice
The altar symbolizes the underlying unity of all aspects of Creation. It includes:
A Yantra.
The Sanskrit OM symbol, representing the Absolute.
A Light symbolizing the Absolute Truth.
A Globe reminding us to send lovingkindness to all.
This altar honors our lineage of spiritual masters and reflects our respect for all faiths, illustrating the foundational teaching that "Truth is One; Paths are Many."
Looking for a Deeper Experience?
Those who are attracted to the teachings of the Yoga Life, as taught by Rev. Jaganath, are welcome
to explore a deeper spiritual dimension through Mantra Initiation, Acharya Training, or the Yoga life
The First Step: Mantra Initiation (mantra diksha)
Open to anyone regardless of background or faith tradition, Mantra Initiation is for those who have
come to understand that the teachings, practices, and goal of Yoga are fundamentally important to
them in life. Specifically, it is a conscious commitment to the guru/disciple relationship.
This commitment is not one-sided. The Guru walks alongside disciples in their spiritual quest,
guiding and supporting them until they reach Self-realization.
Those who are familiar with the theories and practices of Yoga, as taught by Rev. Jaganath, and
who are willing to do their best to apply those teachings to daily life, can apply.
For more information, please see the article on the Guru/Disciple Relationship in our Learning
Center, or contact Reverend Shanti at shanti@yogalifesociety.com